

Meet Larry & Pam Richardson - Professional Roller Skating Instructors

In honor of National Roller Skating month (October), we thought it would be nice to introduce you to some of the really cool folks who make Skateland Chandler the incredible roller skating facility that it is. 

Allow me to introduce you to Larry & Pam Richardson - Skating Instructors.  Larry and Pam are amazing folks with a true passion for all things skating.  From owning their own rink in California, to teaching all levels of skaters, to building custom skates (Larry) to magically designing beautiful skating costumes (Pam) - these two people are the foundation for Chandler Skating Academy.  Along with their daughter, Dianna, the Richardsons make a formidable team that truly love the sport of roller skating and exemplify the beauty of all it entails.

Larry, Pam, Dianna and I sat down together a few times to talk and I was impressed. So impressed, in fact, that I felt compelled to share their story with you. 

I asked: How long teaching roller skating lessons?

They said:  Larry & Pam – 37 years, Dianna – 7 years

I asked: How long have you been involved in the skating industry?
They said: Larry – 54 years, Pam – 49 years, Dianna – 26 years

I asked them to tell me about themselves and they did:
We began our skating careers in the mid 1950's and were dance, figure and freestyle champions at the regional and national levels. In addition, Larry and Pam accomplished the highest levels of proficiency in our sport and each hold their gold medal in dance and a gold bar in figures. Larry holds gold bar in freestyle as well.

Larry and Pam began their coaching careers in 1974 and are extremely proud to have had the honor and privilege to train all levels and disciplines of skaters from the brand new beginning skater to the R.S.A. gold medalist. We have trained champions at the regional, national, world class, and international level. We are confident that all our club members will benefit from the personal warmth, professionalism and lifetime of dedication to our sport.

I asked them if they had a Motto?
They said:   "The Power of the Dream, is the Pursuit of Excellence."

I asked them if they have a favorite saying?
They said:  "Some see things as they are & ask why? I dream of things that have never been & say, why not!" -  Robert Kennedy - 1968

I asked them if there was anything else they'd like to share and they replied:
 "In my life time, I’ve learned that skating, or any form of sports for that matter, are a snapshot of life in general. Through the pursuit of personal excellence through athletics, we as teachers, instructors, coaches, mentors or sense i, strive to teach life lessons to our students as we coach the fundamental techniques within our sport, which in our case is this sport & recreational activity of Roller Skating."
As we guide each individual down his or her path within the discipline of our sport, we coach each student to strive for the following:

  • Establish & set personal goals.

  • Achieve proper time management

  • Pursue physical conditioning through excersize & strength building

  • To improve muscle flexibility

  • Empower the student with the knowledge of proper nutritional guidelines.

These & many other of life's lessons learned through athletic activity of any type, better prepares our young citizens for many of life’s speed bumps as they occur. As an example, what better way to set up a student to succeed, then to help motivate an athlete in overcoming & dealing with a failure or defeat along life’s path. To help in the recovery & to re establish self esteem. To enable that student, to turn that negative into a positive & attack the challenge of possible success, either in skating or in other areas in future life scenarios. It has been my experience through all these many years of coaching, that it's easy to be there when the student achieves their goal. Standig on the podium, recieving the medal, winning at the competition, succeeding in performing to the best of that individuals ability.

The real challenge as a Coach, is being a source of support &conmfort whrwhen everything that can go wrong, does. To be a good listener & a voice of reassurance that, today wasn't meant to be, that after all, tomorrow is another day.Althought we have benefited tremendously from our life in skating, after all, we have witnessed the excitment of success at a local, state, regional, natioinal & international level in this sport. We have also been fortunate to work with some of the finest people as they dealt with disapointment & heartache, as well as the challenges & agony of failure. Pam & I have participated in the renewal of a students hope & dreams as they've regained thier focus. We have been blessed to witnessing what we consider true greatness of character in those atheletes rising from the ashes of temporary disapointment to achieve a future of success, not just in skating, but most importantly, life.

 All this priviledge & joy, has been ours, because of this sport of Roller Skating. Coaching this sport has been our life’s work. Giving back to the next generation the benefits of lessons & experiences, good or bad, that we have encountered on our path, is what sports, a snapshot of life is truly about.
 Pay it forward!

Here's some more information on beginner private skating lessons from the Richardsons, as well as information on freestyle skating and their photo gallery

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